Behold the Charismatic Megaflora!

Behold the Charismatic Megaflora!

It seems that anybody that does any amount of painting eventually does sunflowers. I guess it’s my turn. They’re irresistible.

The first sunflower I ever saw was taller than I was. As I remember, it was in my babci’s (Polish for grandmother) garden. I just couldn’t believe it towered over me. Granted, I was only 4 feet tall at the time. But, flowers were supposed to be gentle and comforting. Here I was, face to face with a stern and commanding giant–a presence I tried to capture in this painting. (Click on the image to enlarge it.)

Sunflowers can remind us of the surprising possibilities of life, and, to this day, I still try to be on my best behavior in their presence.

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