Do interesting places help us get through life?

Do interesting places help us get through life?

Last time, I mentioned how time might not be as fixed and predictable as we think.  If that’s true, are there any fixed points to help us navigate our way through life’s continual changes? 

I’m beginning to think that one set of fixed points are the interesting places we run across.  We don’t just pass these places by.  They command our attention and bring us into a conversation.  How did this place get this way?  Who or what brought it into existence? 

That recently happened to me with the former AME Church in Warwick, pictured here.  It is a simple, small church that exudes a humble determination. I’ve been in conversation with it ever since.  “How did it get there?”  Who were the congregants that established it?”  It provides a portal to other times, places and people.  And maybe that helps locate us in our own time and place.  I’ll come back to this idea in a couple of weeks. 

Talked to any interesting places, lately?

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